Joey and I left Georgetown this morning at 8:15 am and arrived in Charleston at Ashley Marina around 3:15 pm. It was a long ride but we had lots of entertainment along the way. We could not count how many dolphin we saw. Some joined our wake and jumped along with the boat and others had splash parties on the banks of the waterway just like children. It was absolutely amazing.
We also saw an aligator and yes we saw an abundance of indigenous palm trees.
Charleston Harbour was our first large body of water. It was somewhat imtimidating to cross, but we managed.
Docking went smoothly and afterwards we took a nice stroll to the maritime market. Charleston is a beautiful town. We have been here many times so we decided to stay aboard and grill out. We noticed noses and looks as we were grilling. I think we were making people hungry.
We met a nice fellow on the dock who was a captain for a boat being repaired two doors down from ours. Conversation was easy and breezy on this lazy afternoon on the back porch of the boat.
Watched Commander and Chief after dinner and retiring for another day of adventure and exploration.
We're having a ball. Happy Boating!
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