We left Titusville Marina around 11:00 that day. We left late due to the extreme cold temperatures. We arrived at Captain Hiram's Seabastian Marina around 5:15 pm. This is a great place to stop, but just the name tells you it's got to be interesting. The marina was named after the owner's uncle who was killed on Normandy beach. The brochure gives the complete history. This marina offers everything from a sandy beach with a pig pickin every Friday night to a great Tiki bar and restaurant. The restaurant is huge and seats up to 500 people. The people are very friendly. Joey and I walked out of the restaurant and up the road abit to see the town and we laughed because it reminded us of Kure Beach with the whitewashed block houses and neat lawns except there were giant coconut trees. We went to sleep that night as we were lulled by the piano player in the bar singing mostly Elton John songs and banging out the melody on the ivy. I loved it. It felt like a real authentic vacation.
We have not seen any dolphins as of late. Oh well - maybe they're waiting for us in the keys. We have seen beautiful islands with fantastic houses centered on them. What a way to live.
Happy Boating.
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