We got up early this morning to get fuel AGAIN - due to the fallen diesel prices. We left Palm Beach around 9:00 and decided to dock at Pompano Beach outside of Fort Lauderdale. Fort Lauderdale is having a huge boat show this weekend, so we opted to bow out of competing for dockage at this location. We arrived at Pompano Beach and found a crude pull in slip at Harbour Sands hotel on the east bank of the ICW by the Atlantic Avenue bridge. It was our hardest docking due to the current pulling the boat in the opposite direction we needed. Oh, speaking of bridges, we made a mistake of saying that we would take a picture of every bridge we went under. There's no way - we have crossed under so many bridges that all this blog would contain is pictures of bridges and believe you me most of them look like the last one. So I'm just taking pictures of other things from now on unless there is something extravagent about a bridge.
Pictures are posted of Pompano Beach. The sand has a different texture than that of the NC Coast. It is far more granular and not as fine here as what we have back home at good old C.B.
After we landed our space rocket in the hole of water needed to tie off, Joey and I got the camera and the debit card and headed for the closest grocery store, which was over the bridge as directed by the clerk at the front desk of the hotel. There is a picture I have posted which is a picture of the boat I took while standing on the bridge overlooking the ICW. Upon our return we unloaded our cargo of groceries, replenished our water holding tank and ate sphaghetti for dinner. We're watching "How it's made" and if Jon and Kate plus eight are on - then we're excited. Don't tell me we don't miss the children at HKDC, because yes we do and seem to pay attention to all children we see during our trip.
I'll sign off for now and don't forget to look at the pictures taken along our route. We call these pictures - the beautiful homes -Happy Boating.
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