Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 9th - New York City

Left Atlantic City to a long day out on the Atlantic Ocean. It was a ten hour day at 10 knots to New York City. Due to the length of time it took us to get to New York, we missed a tie up at 79th Street Water Basin and had to settle for a slip at Newport Marina in Jersey City. This marina is across the Hudson river from New York. The view of the city at night was gorgeous. Newport was a nice marina with lots of shopping, restaurants and amenities close by as well as the path subway that takes you directly into New York City. The path only takes 15 minutes and costs $1.75 each way. The only catch about this marina is the constant rocking and rolling of the boat. We snapped a stern line, just from the jerking and rolling of the wakes coming by. I took lots of pictures of the Statue of Liberty coming into the harbour.

We took many pictures during our stay and enjoyed relatives visiting from New Jersey. We had a great tour from Ronny, our tour guide on the gray-line bus that travels New York's burroughs. We ate dinner at Mickey Mantles restaurant and took a carriage ride through Central Park. The visit to Ground Zero where the World Trade Center was so very sad. Shopping was fun-filled with a purchase for the new baby at FAO Schwarz and "I Love NY" t-shirts for the family. We experienced quite a scene for some would be shop lifters at MACY'S. Security guards tackled the would be shop-lifter, hog-tied him and his accomplice. Within five minutes of this incident, six policemen came busting through the revolving doors, guns drawn and the incident was over. Joey watched the entire incident from the loft Starbuck's Coffee Shop inside Macy's. He said it was the best "FREE" show he had ever witnessed.

Happy Boating and enjoy the pics!

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