Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hudson River - July 12th and 13th

Left New York City on Monday, July 12th, 2010. Headed north up the Hudson River. The weather was sunny and breezy. The view from the middle of the Hudson River were breathtaking. It was mountainous terrain with huge rocks cliffs on the side.

There are pictures of West Point Military Academy, a huge section of bridge we passed along the way. We stopped off in Kingston, New York at the municipal marina. Kingston is a small town of 20,000 in population. We ate dinner at a pizzeria in the local downtown area. We noticed different waiters kept coming to our table to talk with us. They were laughing and intrigued by our Southern draw. The Dockmaster giggled as we spoke to him.

Our next stop was in Troy, New York, which housed our first locke. Troy was the end of tidal waters. We had a nice visit and stayed at the town "Troy" dock. The dock consisted of a wall with a floating dock. Joe was our dockmaster. He took Joey to West Marine for supplies. We enjoyed a nice band at a local restaurant beside the marina.

The Hudson was beautiful. Took pictures of some very different looking lighthouses while on the Hudson.

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