Tuesday, September 7, 2010

July 23rd to August 26th - Trent Severn Waterway, Canada

Canada was not a wi-fi friendly country. Our phones did not work as well. This made blogging and downloading pictures an impossible tasks for the blog I use. So I deferred the blog until I reached the states for updating.
After crossing Lake Ontario and arriving to Kingston, we then made our way around to begin the Trent Severn Waterway. This canal system meanders through Canada. It has around 140 lockes to go through.
I'm going to list all of the townships and villages we stopped along the way during our travels on the Trent Severn.
July 23rd - Trenton (rain)
July 24th - Left Trenton and arrived in Campbellford - home of the designer of the "Toonie" - two dollar coin in Canada. Went through twelve lockes today - very tiring. Got Diesel .91 cents a litre which convertns into $4.00 a gallon. Pump out was $20.00. Stayed on wall beside a convenient mart.
July 25th - Left Campbellford and went to Hastings - bought a beautiful boat paddle at Redtail Paddle shop and bought some chocolate at the chocolate factory. Beautiful marina and met a nice fireman and his wife. Traveling with Mark and Susan Landwer.
July 26th to July 28th - Left Hastings and arrived to Peterborough - one of my favorite towns on the waterway. Beautiful water spray fountain at the marina. Great park beside the marina. Met Finally, Doubletrouble and Kingfisher at the marina along with Squivot. Peterborough Locke was brokem, so we stayed at this marina a couple of days until the lockemaster retrieved a log out of the mechanics of the locke. The Peterborough Locke is the first PAN locke we experienced.
July 29th - Left Peterborough and went to Young's Point. The dockmaster/owner, Keith, is a great guy. Had a nice campfire that night with fellow boaters. Keith has many stories to tell and loves Corvettes and Nascar.
July 30th - Left Young's Point and arrived to Fennelon Falls. We were traveling with, "All That Chaz." Want to stop at Bobcaygeon, but this was a four day Canadian holiday, so we had a long days travel and finally got a spot on the fall outside of the Fennelon Falls locke. Beautiful town with lots of restaurants and shops.
July 31st to August 1st - Left Fennelon Falls and arrived to Kirkfield Pan Locke. We stayed on the wall beneath the Fennelon Falls pan locke. Beautiful rustic scenery here. Very quiet. Ate lunch and dinner at a local restaurant. Ate pork that was cooked on a spit outside of the restaurant. Very good!
August 2nd to August 4th - Left Kirkfield Pan Locke wall and arrived to the town of Orilla. One of the best towns on the Trent Severn. Beautiful marina, great parks and beaches along with great restaurants and towns. Stayed here a couple of days due to weather. Our next locke would be the "Big Chute."
August 5th - Left Orilla and arrived to Port Severn. Port Severn is the last stop on the Trent Severn Waterway. We also experienced the "Big Chute." This is a giant sling chute that takes your boat out of the water and carries it over a very large hill or gorge. This was an amazing experience. You stay on your boat during this process. Wow - this was so much fun! From this point we will travel into the Georgian Bay.

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