Left Pompano Beach this morning around 9:00 and arrived at Haulover State Park around 1:30.
I told Joey this morning, over coffee, that I was extremely nervous about backing out of this slip. It was sheer hell getting into it, so from my common sense approach to docking - my intellect told me it was going to be sheer hell backing out. The thing about water IS - "It's like a box of chocolates -You never know what you're going to get." As soon as we unloosened the ropes, the current, you know that underwater fan that creates utter turmoil for the novice boaters, began its spell. Well at least we were leaving and the bridge was up and oh yeah we didn't hit anybody or anything and we didn't have to pay for anything, but I am remorseful about the chunk we took out of the last piling. I smile as Joey looked at me so opptomistic and said, "Oh no, we'll back this thing out like it's on a rail." I think he's the opptomistic one in this relationship, at least for this time.
After that hit and miss - things did get better.
We had a nice trip down the ICW canal and found a wonderful marina to dock at for the next couple of nights. Haulover State Park and Marina in North Miami is a great place to visit. It is right outside of the big city so to speak. The marina is one long t-slip, which is refreshing and easy to dock up. Chris, the park manager, came out and greeted us upon our arrival. There are Charter fishing boats, big and small there. Four feet long Tarpon hang out at the dock for fish parts as the fisherman clean their catch. The water is so clear it is easy to see them swimming around.
We had three days at this marina. We had to wait for the winds to blow northward and die down as well, so we could cross Biscayne Bay. We both agreed that this was the time of our trip to be certain about the weather and readiness of the boat before we crossed such a large body of water.
Saturday morning we got up and cleaned the boat then got our bikes out and took a long ride around the park. The park is a total of 160 acres of beach, land and marina, so it makes for a great ride. We didn't realize that a portion of the State Park beach was set aside for nude sunbathing. Joey and I were shocked and no we did not participate. We kept our suits on and moved on down the beach where people were not so liberal and kept their clothes on. The beach was full of sea sponges and coral that washes up in droves. I collected a bag full and will mail it to the children at HKDC for their water table.
There is a Kite salesman in the heart of the park and the large kites he sells are beautiful. Lots of families picnicked and flew kites with their children. The cuban children are beautiful with their dark brown curly locks and brown skin. Everyone is friendly and nice.
We collected two coconuts, cracked them and made a pie. It was chewy as Joey and I could'nt decide if we liked it or not. I think not.
Sunday we called a cab and went to the local Wal Mart for supplies. We'll leave on Monday morning for the Biscayne Bay trip. The weather is reporting calm seas and north winds so that's our cue.
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