OK, I lied and my intentions were the very best, but I got busy seeing all of the sites and getting camp set up here at Marathon. So I humbly apologize to anyone who has followed our trip, for my tardiness and procrastination of blogging. To catch up I'm going to post the pictures I have taken so far. Tomorrow I will get
pictures of what our Tiki Hut looks like now and of the marina. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Erin came down for a week and we joined our fellow marinians in slip #15 and #16 for a pot luck Thanksgiving Feast. Norman, the dockmaster, fried a turkey and Eric, cooked a ham. The food was delicious and the conversation was jovial and light.
The attached pictures are of a trip to one of the keys used by Mr. Flagler, who built the bridges out to the keys for a railroad. The island housed all of the men and facilities for the people who built the bridges. It was beautiful and very historic. From the bridge, we saw several nurse sharks. The pictures are not very clear, but you can make out the outline of the shark. This was from a 30 foot bridge, so if the shark is this big in the photo taken from a far, then imagine how big it really was.
The next grouping of pictures is of a very friendly manatee, who wanted a drink of water from the boat. It laid on his back and drank and drank and drank and well I had to turn the water hose off. I was sure he was going to wet himself.
Another grouping is of the beach across the street. We love to go to this beach. It is always full of dogs, not many children though and it is certain shellseekers can always find some jems and sea sponges. I have shipped a big box of collections from this beach to the children at Happy Kids. I hope the teachers will let the children touch them, use them in the water tables and perhaps paint due to their different textures. Always a Childcare Director, it's in my blood.
The outline of a tent is a picture of our Tiki Hut upon arrival. We've done lots of upgrades since this shot. I'll try to post the updated version tomorrow.
Happy Boating and Merry Christmas!